Thursday, September 6, 2007

Beam Me Up, Scatty

Tonight I pooped a ship. A starship. Or, rather, a whole fleet. They looked so serene there, setting proud on the surface of that scummy water, so very vegetarian, that I couldn't help but imagine them standing proud against the deep, dark recesses of space. I could see them hurtling through the stars, and I was proud to say that they came from my bum, carved by my cunning crack. That may be a bit obscene.
I nearly took a picture, to share the fleet with you, but even I realized that was too crass. Starships are best when pictured prowling proud. That stained bowl couldn't have ever done them justice. Now, thinking more clearly, I realize I could have photoshopped it. But, alas, it is too late; my proud fleet flushed all too well.
Next time I'll know better.